Jo – Boudoir

March 26, 2019

From Jo:
“I didn’t have this shoot done because I’m getting married. I didn’t have them taken to post online. I didn’t do it to feel sexy. I didn’t even to it to feel attractive. I did it because this is the year of accepting me, for me. The year that I stop trying to ‘fix’ my cellulite ridden legs, my not enough arms, my stretch marks, etc… and start fixing my heart. My attitude towards myself had become so toxic, I was constantly promoting that we lift each other up but not including myself in the ‘we’. This season I include myself, I support myself, and I hope I can encourage you all to as well. Love yourself the same fierce way you love others and if that means stripping down to your underwear, having your photos taken, all while not saying a bad thing about yourself…. YOU DO IT.”