Lacey | Stranded

April 2, 2017

When I do creative shoots I like to create “characters” for the models to play and I also love creating story lines to play out during the shoot.
For this particular shoot I had Lacey playing this girl that ended up being stranded on the side of the road leaving Las Vegas and heading to her home outside of the city. To me, she had this glamorous life in Las Vegas with the party scene and was playing a different personality to attract people around her thinking she lived this lavish lifestyle, but in reality she was heading back home to a trailer park with her high fashion styled clothing she spends too much money on.

Shooting this was really fun. We trespassed (of course) into this trailer park and by the end of the shoot we had a ton of people watching us and kids running around in awe of Lacey and her modeling.

Lacey, as always, you killed it.
PS- check out her YouTube here if you want to get to know this spunky spirit more!